BETA VERSION UPDATED! CAD Developed for Solar Cell Engineers

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GridCAD allows you to design solar cells with unparalleled ease and seamlessly transfer these designs to Griddler 2.5 PRO for simulation. With a large range of native CAD controls, robust DXF rendering capabilities and fast custom cell design creation, GridCAD is the CAD software that has been developed with solar cell engineers in mind. Download the Beta version for free now to discover what is possible! All Beta users will have the opportunity to inform development of the full version, which will be released in the near future.
GridCAD是一个简易的太阳能电池设计软件, 输出的 DXF 文件类型既可直接发送到印刷丝网制造商, 亦可以传送到Griddler 2.5 PRO进行模拟。立即免费下载Beta版!